5 Healthy Lunch Ideas for Weight Loss: Reach you Fitness Goals

Reaching your fitness goals may seem like a daunting task, especially considering the obstacles that seem to limit it from the realm of possibility. One of these obstacles in my case was school.

Although my situation was slightly different, as I was trying to gain weight, I struggled to get substantially nutritious meals down during my 45 minute lunch break between classes.

Fortunately for you, I’ll provide you with 5 healthy lunch ideas for weight loss in this article. Before we get into the nitty gritty, here’s a quick preview of the meals we’ll be discussing:

In this Article:

  • Pakistani Chana Dahl

  • Mexican Chicken Fajitas

  • Chopped Salad with chickpeas, olives, feta, and tomato

  • Salmon Rolls

  • Spinach and Tomato Pasta (Vegan)

Now, let’s get into the best healthy lunch ideas for weight loss that’ll help you reach your fitness goals!


Pakistani Chana Dahl

This is honestly one of the tastiest foods out there. If I had to pick 3 meals to take to a deserted island, Pakistani Chana Dahl would be one of them.

Consisting of a chickpea base, this meal maintains a reasonable macronutrient balance, with 238 calories being occupied by 27g carbs, 6g protein, and 12g fat. It’s also very conveniently microwaved, not hurting the flavour or consistency at all.


Mexican Chicken Fajitas

Fajitas are an all-time weight loss CLASSIC. Not only are these tremendously macro friendly, but they taste fantastic.

Being easily meal-prepable, while taking barely any time or effort to cook, these chipotle chicken fajitas are one of the best healthy lunch ideas for weight loss. They’ll be instrumentally helpful in assisting you in the pursuit of your fitness goals.

In terms of macros, this meal has 349 calories, with 30g protein, 30 g carbs, and 11.5g fat.


Chopped Chickpea Salad

It wouldn’t be a true compilation of weight loss meals without a salad. Despite the stigma surrounding salads as boring and bland, this chopped chickpea salad is the complete opposite, being refreshing and zesty.

It’s best to have this one in the fridge, as it’s so much tastier cold than it is warm and mushy. This is another good one macros-wise, with 256 calories, 14g fat, 24g carbs, and 9g protein.


Salmon Rolls

This is a great option for those who love fish. It’s also fine hot or cold, you can cook up a nice hot piece of salmon and eat it immediately, or you can keep it in the fridge and save it for later.

The other upside with this meal is the freedom you have to improvise with topping. If you prefer tomato over carrot, by all means make the change. Here are the macros for this salmon roll: 350 calories, 26g protein, 32g carbs, 13.5g fat.


Spinach and Tomato Pasta (Vegan)

Here’s one for the pasta lovers. This can also go great hot or cold, generally being maintained in a container and microwaved. Despite being high in carbs, this meal is still relatively low in calories, allowing you to enjoy a delicious meal of pasta while pursuing your fitness goals.

The macros for this fantastic bowl of pasta are as follows: 471 calories, 53g carbs, 11g protein, 26g fat


To Conclude

In this article, I provided 5 great healthy lunch ideas for weight loss, that’ll help you reach your fitness goals in no time. Hopefully the blend of different proteins, servings, macronutrient balances, and flavours appeal to some of your interests, because these are some of my absolute favourites. I hope you can enjoy them too. To round things out, best of luck in your future fitness endeavours from The Weigh Out. Thanks!


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